Special Wines

About Vino De Pago wines

Vino de Pago is a symbol of winemaking mastery that knows no borders or limitations. This status is awarded to wineries located throughout Spain, regardless of their geographical position. The main philosophy is the integrity of the production process. From caring for each grape to the moment of bottling the wine, every stage takes place within the confines of a single estate, ensuring the preservation of unique characteristics and high quality of the product.

The terroir of each winery aspiring to the Vino de Pago title must be something special, unique. It’s not just a place, it’s a testament to the uniqueness of each bottle. Wines born here reflect the essence of the locality, its history, and spirit.

The limited production volume makes each bottle unique and coveted by true connoisseurs. These are not just wines, they are whole stories encapsulated in glass, a gift of the land and sky, a reflection of the passion and traditions of Spanish winemaking.

Journey into the world of wine


Here you can find out more about the wineries whose wines have Vino de Pago status. If you still have questions, leave a request and our specialist will be happy to answer them.

Abadia Retuerta
Arzuaga | Pago Florentino
Pago Calzadilla
Casa del Blanco
Chozas Carrascal
Dehesa del Carrizal
Familia Conesa - Pago Guijoso
Pago Finca Élez
Heredad de Urueña
La Jaraba
Marqués de Griñon
Montalvo Wilmot
Vera de Estenas
Abadia Retuerta
Arzuaga | Pago Florentino
Pago Calzadilla
Casa del Blanco
Chozas Carrascal
Dehesa del Carrizal
Familia Conesa - Pago Guijoso
Pago Finca Élez
Heredad de Urueña
La Jaraba
Marqués de Griñon
Montalvo Wilmot
Vera de Estenas
Abadia Retuerta
  • 1996
    Founded in
  • 3
    Wine count

Abadia Retuerta, founded in 1146, is a symbol of winemaking excellence in Ribera del Duero, Spain. This historic site, which originated as part of a monastery, was established by monks who made an invaluable contribution to the development of local winemaking.

In 1996, the winery received a new impetus under the leadership of Pascal Delbeck, a renowned winemaker from Bordeaux, who implemented advanced technologies while preserving the unique historical character. This allowed Abadia Retuerta to create wines that harmoniously combine history and innovation, reflecting the spirit and terroir of this unique region. Their elegant and powerful wines quickly gained recognition, becoming a hallmark of quality and tradition in Spanish winemaking.


  • N-122, km 332, 5, 47340 Sardón de Duero, Valladolid

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  • 1988
    Founded in
  • 9
    Wine count

Arínzano is not just a winery, but a living legend, steeped in history and tradition. Its roots reach back to the year 1055, when the noble Sancho Fortuniones de Arinsano laid the first stone of this wine paradise. Located in Northern Spain, Arínzano has become a symbol of quality and prestige, being the first to receive the Vino de Pago classification in the region.

In 1988, the winery was acquired by the Chivite family, who continued its glorious traditions and introduced innovations. However, a historic turning point occurred in 2015, when Arínzano became part of Tenute del Mondo, joining forces with such renowned wineries as Masseto, Ornellaia, and Achaval Ferrer. This was a step into the world of global recognition and refinement, confirming that Arínzano’s wines are more than just a beverage; they are a part of the world’s cultural heritage.

  • Carretera Nacional 132, Km 3, 1, 31264 Aberín, Navarra

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Arzuaga | Pago Florentino
  • 1993
    Founded in
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The vineyards producing Pago Florentino wine, located in the scenic confines of Malagon in the province of Ciudad Real, are among the most prestigious vineyards under the aegis of Bodegas Arzuaga. Founded in the early 2000s, these vineyards quickly earned recognition due to the unique conditions of the terroir and an innovative approach to winemaking.

The terroir of Pago Florentino is distinguished by its unique soil and ideal climate, allowing for the cultivation of high-quality grapes characterized by intense aromas and depth of flavor. This location was carefully chosen by Florentino Arzuaga for its ability to express the true essence of Spanish wine.

  • N-122, 325, 47350 Quintanilla de Onésimo, Valladolid

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  • 2003
    Founded in
  • 9
    Wine count

The Aylés Winery is a place where every stone and vine hold stories. Its historical roots date back to the 12th century, the time of Alfonso I and the Christian Reconquista. The winery began its journey as part of a grand spiritual and cultural movement, and since then, each generation has contributed to the creation of unique wines.

Founded in 2003 by Federico Ramon, Aylés became the first Vino de Pago in Aragon, realizing its founder’s dream. This is a place where dreams and traditions merge, where wine is not just produced, but crafted with love and respect for history. Federico’s three children continue their father’s legacy, embodying the spirit of Aylés in every bottle of wine – a spirit of innovation, respect for tradition, and an endless passion for winemaking.

  • 50152 Mezalocha, Zaragoza

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Pago Calzadilla
  • 1989
    Founded in
  • 4
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Calzadilla Winery, located in the picturesque region of La Mancha, is a prime example of passion and dedication to the art of winemaking. Founded in the 1980s by the Ussía family, Calzadilla began as a small project but over time has transformed into one of the most respected wineries in the region.

Calzadilla is renowned for its innovative approaches to grape cultivation and wine production, actively utilizing advanced technologies and vineyard management methods. These innovations, combined with the unique climate and soils of La Mancha, allow for the creation of high-quality wines with distinctive aromas and flavors that reflect the soul of the region.

  • Carretera de, Calle Anselmo Cuenca, Km 3.3, 16500 Huete, Cuenca

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Casa del Blanco
  • 10
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Casa del Blanco, officially becoming Vino de Pago in 2003, is located in the La Mancha region. This winery embodies a history of more than 150 years, intertwined with political struggles, historical events, and periods of hardship. Located in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), Casa del Blanco bears witness to hardworking people, natural disasters, and periods of peace, periodically interrupted by the horrors of war.

  • Crtra Manzanares a Moral de Ctrva, Km 23, 13200, Ciudad Real

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Chozas Carrascal
  • 2003
    Founded in
  • 4
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Planted in 1992, Chozas Carrascal began its wine production in 2003. Founded by the Lopez family, the winery has become a reflection of their aspiration to blend tradition with modernity. Inspired by journeys to prestigious wineries in Spain and France, the family developed a unique approach, turning Chozas Carrascal into a symbol of the fusion of historical heritage and innovative wine production methods.

  • 2000
    Founded in
  • 1
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Pago de Cirsus, situated at the Bolandin Farm in the southern part of Navarra, was founded in 2000. The Cirsus vineyards, covering 136.7 hectares, feature a unique terroir due to their location at an altitude of 395 meters above sea level. The climatic conditions of the region, including cold winters and long, dry summers, directly influence the grapevines and wine production methods, making Cirsus a distinctive representative of Navarra wines.

  • Avda de Ablitas a Ribaforada, 5, km 5, 5 Km 5, 31523 Ablitas, Navarra

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Dehesa del Carrizal
  • 1983
    Founded in
  • 6
    Wine count

Dehesa del Carrizal, located in the picturesque foothills of the Montes de Toledo, is one of the most outstanding wineries in this unique region. Founded in the early 1980s, the winery has established itself as a place where tradition blends with innovation in the creation of exclusive wines.

Dehesa del Carrizal is known for its pursuit of perfection in every aspect of winemaking. With a special attention to detail and respect for nature, the winery produces wines that are distinguished by their refined bouquet and richness of flavors. Utilizing the unique climate and soils of the region, Dehesa del Carrizal creates wines that are a true reflection of the terroir.

  • Finca Dehesa del Carrizal, Ctra. Navas de Estena, Km 5, 13194 Retuerta del Bullaque, Ciudad Real

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Familia Conesa - Pago Guijoso
  • 6
    Wine count

Familia Conesa – Pago Guijoso, located in the province of Albacete, Spain, was founded in the early 2000s. This vineyard, situated at a strategic location over 1000 meters above sea level, is distinguished by its unique climatic conditions and soil type, ideally suited for growing high-quality grapes.

The Pago Guijoso vineyard spans over 60 hectares, cultivating various grape varieties, including Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay. Familia Conesa employs integrated viticulture methods, focusing on sustainability and minimal intervention in natural processes.

  • Unnamed Rd,, 02610 El Bonillo, Albacete

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Pago Finca Élez
  • 1992
    Founded in
  • 3
    Wine count

Pago Finca Élez, situated in the unique geographical and climatic region of Albacete, Spain, was established in the mid-1990s. This vineyard occupies an exceptional position, being located at an altitude of about 1080 meters above sea level, which favorably influences the quality of the grapes grown here.

Covering an area of about 42 hectares, Pago Finca Élez cultivates a variety of grape types, including Tempranillo, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The vineyard’s owner, Manuel Manzanares, has implemented advanced vineyard management methods, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.

  • Carretera Ossa de Montiel a El Bonillo, Km 11,5, 02610 El Bonillo, Albacete

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Heredad de Urueña
  • 2005
    Founded in
  • 5
    Wine count

Heredad de Urueña Winery, located in the picturesque Duero Valley in Spain, exemplifies a respect for winemaking traditions combined with innovation. Founded in the early 2000s, this winery quickly made a name for itself with its high-quality wine and unique approach to winemaking.

Heredad de Urueña covers about 50 hectares, predominantly cultivating the Tempranillo variety, along with other local and international varieties. The owners of the winery, the Garcia family, pay special attention to sustainable viticulture methods while actively employing modern technologies for quality control.

  • Carretera de Toro a Medina de Rioseco, VA-505, 22, km. 21,300, 47862 Urueña, Valladolid

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  • 1891
    Founded in
  • 1
    Wine count

Founded in 1891, Prado de Irache is located at the foot of Mount Montejurra, near the medieval town of Estella. The winery is part of the rich history of the Ayegui region, where vineyards were first gifted to the Irache Monastery by King Sancho IV of Navarre in 1072, bearing witness to the long history of winemaking in this area.

  • Avenida MONASTERIO DE, 1 BAJO, 31240 Irache, Navarra

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La Jaraba
  • 2
    Wine count

Pago de La Jaraba, officially becoming Vino de Pago in 2019, is located in Castilla-La Mancha, within the La Mancha DOP appellation. This winery represents a unique combination of winemaking expertise and the production of traditional Manchego cheese. La Jaraba not only produces outstanding wines but also preserves ancient cheese-making traditions, which perfectly complement the taste and aroma of their wines. Situated in a picturesque location, La Jaraba has become a symbol of quality and cultural heritage of the region, continuing the ancient traditions of winemaking and cheese-making in a modern context.

  • N-310, 0, 02600 Villarrobledo, Albacete

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Marqués de Griñon
  • 1974
    Founded in
  • 8
    Wine count

Founded in 1974 by Carlos Falcó, Marquis de Griñón, this winery was a pioneer in the introduction of modern winemaking methods in Spain.

Over the years, Marqués de Griñón has focused on cultivating high-quality grapes on its extensive vineyards. The winery specializes in varieties such as Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah, each grown in optimal conditions to achieve the best possible flavor profiles.

The wines of Marqués de Griñón are distinguished by their intensity, elegance, and complexity. A characteristic feature is their deep fruity taste with rich tannins and a long aftertaste, making them ideal for extended aging and maturation.

  • Finca Casa de Vacas Carretera, CM-4015, Km 23, 45692 Malpica de Tajo, Toledo

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  • 1990
    Founded in
  • 3
    Wine count

Martúe, which began its journey in 1990, is located in La Guardia de Toledo. The winery’s story started with the dream of a person who wished to bring new energy and inspiration to the Castilla La Mancha region. The first vineyards were planted at the Campo Martuela estate, followed ten years later by the El Casar estate. In 2002, the winery itself was built, just in time for the debut of Martúe’s first vintage wines of 2001. In 2009, Martúe received the DO Pago Campo de La Guardia appellation, becoming one of the thirteen prestigious wineries with this qualification. The Martúe winery reflects a passion for quality and a continual pursuit of perfection, combining traditional methods with modern technologies in winemaking.

  • Campo de la Guardia SN, 45760, 45760, Toledo

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Montalvo Wilmot
  • 3
    Wine count

Montalvo Wilmot Winery, situated in the picturesque region of Castilla-La Mancha, stands as a notable example of combining traditional winemaking with modern innovations. Founded in the late 20th century, this winery quickly made a name for itself with its unique wines produced from both local and international grape varieties.

Montalvo Wilmot is distinguished by its ability to create wines with expressive aromas and balanced flavors. The winery utilizes both traditional and innovative grape processing methods, allowing for exceptional quality and complexity of taste in each bottle.

The primary grape varieties at Montalvo Wilmot are Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, and they also experiment with other types, such as Syrah and Merlot.

  • Ctra. Argamasilla de Alba a Ruidera, Km 10.2, 13710, 13710 Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real

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  • 1972
    Founded in
  • 3
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Mustiguillo Winery, located in the Utiel-Requena region of Spain, is one of the leading wine producers in the area. Founded in the late 20th century by the Saragossa family, Mustiguillo quickly gained recognition for its high-quality wines and innovative approach to winemaking.

The winery specializes in cultivating the local Bobal grape variety, which is a key component of their unique winemaking style. Mustiguillo also experiments with other varieties such as Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, creating complex and layered wines.

  • Km. 195 Carretera Nacional, N-330, 46300 Utiel, Valencia

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  • 2009
    Founded in
  • 2
    Wine count

The Otazu Winery, officially established in 2009, is one of the most outstanding examples of winemaking art in the Navarra region. This unique place, where modern winemaking methods are combined with ancient traditions, embodies the contemporary culture of wine. Located near Pamplona, Otazu represents a blend of cultural heritage and innovative approaches to wine production.

  • Señorío de Otazu, 31174 Otazu, Navarra

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  • 1997
    Founded in
  • 5
    Wine count

Vallegarcía Winery, situated in the scenic Montes de Toledo region of Spain, has earned its reputation through an innovative approach to winemaking and the high quality of its wines. Founded in the early 2000s, Vallegarcía quickly became one of the significant players in the Spanish wine market.

The winery focuses on cultivating a variety of grape types, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Petit Verdot, and Syrah. It also experiments with white varieties such as Chardonnay and Viura. These wines are distinguished by their complex structure, elegance, and balanced flavor.

Vallegarcía adheres to a philosophy of combining traditional winemaking techniques with the latest technologies. This approach allows the winery to create wines with a distinct character and a reflection of the unique terroir of Montes de Toledo.


  • Finca Vallegarcia, 13194 Retuerta del Bullaque, Ciudad Real

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  • 1999
    Founded in
  • 5
    Wine count

Vegalfaro was founded in 1999 by Andres Valiente and his son Rodolfo. The name “Vegalfaro” comes from a combination of the word “vega” (a low meadow or a strip of alluvial soil) and the historical name of their winemaking estate, Casa Alfaro. Rodolfo Valente dedicated himself to developing the unique style of Vegalfaro wine, always focusing on organic methods and striving to blend tradition with innovation for the best expression of terroir. All Vegalfaro wines are certified as organic by the European Union.

  • Ctra. Utiel Pontón, km. 3, 46390 Requena, Valencia

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Vera de Estenas
  • 2013
    Founded in
  • 3
    Wine count

Vera de Estenas, officially established in 2013, is located in the Utiel-Requena region in Valencia. This winery combines a rich history with an innovative approach to winemaking. It is part of Vera de Estenas Viñedos y Bodegas and represents wine that expresses the uniqueness and quality of its terroir, blending historical heritage with modern wine production methods.

  • N-III, km 266, 46300 Utiel, Valencia

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  • 6
    Wine count

Pago del Vicario is not just a winery, but a complete complex that includes a restaurant, hotel, and extensive vineyards. This place is characterized by the combination of modern design with a multi-generational history and wine-making traditions. The winery is located near Ciudad Real, on the banks of the Guadiana River, and offers stunning views of the Toledo mountains. The hotel and restaurant perfectly complement the wines produced in this unique territory.

  • Ctra. Ciudad Real, CM-412, km. 16, 13196 Porzuna, Ciudad Real

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  • 3
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The Vizar Winery is an example of commitment to the environment and the art of winemaking. Building on the rich history of the terroir, the winery combines traditional methods with modern technologies. This reflects not only a respect for the past but also an aspiration to create unique wines of the highest quality.

These descriptions include the rich history, unique characteristics, and modern achievements of each winery, highlighting their individuality and contribution to the global winemaking culture. If you need additional information about other wineries or a more detailed description for each of the mentioned ones, please let me know.

  • Ctra N-122, Ctra. Valladolid-Soria, Km 341, 47329, Valladolid

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Juri Püttsep
Wine is not just a drink, it's a reflection of culture, history, and traditions. Vino de Pago is particularly close to my heart, as each one tells a unique story of its terroir. These wines are a symphony of flavors and aromas, created by nature and perfected by man.
Juri Püttsep

"Wine is poetry in a bottle. It has the power to awaken the finest emotions, reminding us of the eternal connection between man and nature."

Cristina Püttsep
I have always believed that wine is an art. To me, Vino de Pago represents the pinnacle of winemaking, where each bottle is a masterpiece created with love and skill. These wines open new horizons, teaching us to appreciate uniqueness and every detail.
Cristina Püttsep

"Wine is like a unique melody that sounds different to each person every time."

Our services

Visits to wineries

Excursions to wineries with the prestigious ‘Vino de Pago’ status. Tastings of exclusive wines, each telling its unique story. Meetings with leading winemakers and experts who will share their knowledge and experience. Immersion in the culture and traditions of the region, accompanied by exquisite gastronomic delights.

Treat yourself to an unforgettable journey and book your tour today.

Visits to wineries

Organization of degustation

Our tastings are not just about trying wine, but an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of Spanish winemaking. Our selection includes rare and unique ‘Vino de Pago’ varieties, handpicked by our experts, who will not only present the wines but also tell you about their history, production, and characteristics. We also offer not just tastings, but educational masterclasses, where you can learn about winemaking and the basics of wine etiquette.

Book your tasting today and dive into a world of flavors and aromas that will leave an indelible impression.

Organization of degustation

Supply of wines to restaurants

We offer restaurants a unique opportunity to enrich their wine list with exclusive ‘Vino de Pago’ wines. Our curated selection of wines represents the finest collection, reflecting the art and traditions of Spanish winemaking. Our professional sommeliers will assist you in creating the perfect wine list and organize a masterclass for your staff, enabling them to better understand and present the wines to guests.

Allow us to help you create a distinctive wine offering that will delight your guests and elevate the level of your service.

  • 0
  • 0
    Wine count
Supply of wines to restaurants

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